понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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I know this is really really in advance....but my 22nd birthday is December 11th.� That is the only day that I have requested off for and hopefully I get it.

I kind of want to do a Philly thing.� Most of my philly friends are on my LJ so I�want to know if you guys would be willing to do anything with me?
I spent my 21st birthday writing papers so I want to do my birthday up proper this year.� I feel like I deserve/need it.

What do you guys think?� I kind of want to do bars...but I want to put my butt on people so I want to go to dancey bars.� Or maybe even just an awesome dinner with friends.

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CW: ???

4:30 am: 1 light fit yogurt
1 english muffin
2 tsp I canapos;t believe itapos;s not butter

9 am: 1 c. Wild blueberry cereal
1/2 c. 1 milk
3 cookies

12 pm: 1 c. Mexican soup (chicken noodles in a spicy tomato sauce)
1 piece german rye bread
2 tsp ICBINB

3 pm: 2 cookies

6 pm: 1 cookie
1 c. Minestrone soup

water: 1 liter (low for today)

20 minute warm-up
45 min Strength training
15 min walking on treadmill

Class tonight until 10 pm.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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You know days where everything feels all wrong and it feels like the world is going to shit? Nothing is going your way, nothing feels right. The world feels like itapos;s against you, it feels like nothing good is ever going to happen again?

Thatapos;s how I feel right now. Iapos;m worried about every goddamn aspect of my life at this moment, and I want to say fuck it all and drop out of school, break up with Kevin, go back home, and waste my life away. Life is just always fucking hard, so whatapos;s the point? Pulling yourself up by the bootstraps, getting back on the horse; itapos;s all worthless. Sure, working hard and getting through difficult times makes you a stronger person, but really, whatapos;s so great about being a stronger person? Being strong isnapos;t going to keep the world from shitting all over you. It never gets any easier.

Iapos;m paranoid with Kevin 24/7, Iapos;m letting schoolwork pile up and itapos;s quickly going to creep up on me. Everything feels so fucking hopeless right now, I donapos;t know what to do.

I want to curl up, cry, and never move again.

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I knew from mid-August to mid-October that things would be crazed, given the number of trips, visitors and workshops I was doing, with work-catch-up in between. Regarding the latter, Iapos;m totally behind but alas A weekend with absolutely nothing planned that involves other people. So today, for the first time in months, Iapos;m doing a paper color sort--I have a box full of patterned images that have piled up. Itapos;s much easier to cut them out than to sort them. I learned, thanks to lovexapos;s 8w7 friend, that having a box or two of UNSORTED images is good--they provide inspiration for color--but thereapos;s never enough, so I have to be able to access a bigger supply--hence the need to sort. Iapos;m also running out of space to put the stuff--not sure how Iapos;m gonna solve that one. Maybe move some books around.

Russ said that a 5apos;s home is typically decorated in shelves. I can count 25 of them within view of my desk. Iapos;m trying to resist having my place look hopelessly cluttered.

Anyway--being home, listening to music, drinking coffee, sorting paper--it doesnapos;t get much better than this in the solitary activity department.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


Life is not about big realizations. In my experience, getting hit with an epiphany is rare (which is good because it usually hurts and I bruise like a frickinapos; peach) but that doesnapos;t mean Iapos;m not constantly learning. I may not have the slap-your-forehead-"oh-THATapos;S-it" moments often, but Iapos;ve noticed that all the little details that point me in the direction I need to go add up.

And sometimes they donapos;t. At least not in the way I want them to.

I guess thatapos;s where the joy and frustration of this lifestyle is found. All these little pieces are scattered around me; a bunch of them make sense together, some exist entirely on their own, and a few go off and form a much needed corner... But still Iapos;m missing the whole that forms the image. Every piece is there and each one has itapos;s reason. But how do they fit? What am I supposed to be? *dramatic fist-shake towards the sky*

Iapos;m beginning to understand that Iapos;ve been looking at this puzzle and hoping to see a distinct picture. Iapos;ve been telling myself "line up enough of these bizarre shapes and angles and twists of fate and talents and shortcomings and pretty soon youapos;ll see the puppies frolicking in the field" (or the Harley Davidson or cheesy Thomas Kinkade painting or whatever is the image on the box). But thatapos;s not the case.

This puzzle is one of those crazy mosaics where each piece is a different picture itself and should be enjoyed by itself. And in the end, the shades and colors found naturally in each picture will form the BIG image. But only after years of gathering experiences will I get to stand back and look at it and go "...huh. So it wasnapos;t puppies afterall."

Iapos;ve been fretting over the final picture and forgetting the endless possibilities that one piece can hold. And forgetting that itapos;s okay if I donapos;t ever know what the image is. Other people can label it when Iapos;m gone. Director, actor, wife, writer, artist, New Yorker, Californian, Michigander, human, friend. My job now is to make sure each piece is art on its own.

This isnapos;t a big realization nor an epiphany. Just a mix of cliches and metaphors that arenapos;t really cohesive or poetic, but make me feel like Iapos;m thinking on a more educated level (HUR HUR Iapos;S WENT TO COLLEGE). Just ramblings on how Iapos;m feeling in regards to art, money, life and goals.

Nope. The big moment came when I realized Iapos;d rather take more acting classes than buy a PS3.

And if you know me at all, thatapos;s saying a lot.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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For the lecture series today, we had two prosecutors from the Salt Lake County District Attorneyapos;s office. Their presentation started out with photographs from an on-going case where a drug deal gone bad resulted in a hit being put out on the dealer. The dealerapos;s throatless body was dumped in his car in a suburban neighborhood in Taylorsville, to be discovered by some small children walking to church on Sunday morning.

Things just got better from there.

I have this weird thing where Iapos;m easily convinced by any speaker I hear, and need to go away and think things through afterward in order to realize that, whoa, I really donapos;t agree (or want to work in family law, or whatever). The family law attorney who spoke to us earlier in the year had me really convinced for about 30 minutes that I wanted to practice family law. Now I want to be a criminal prosecutor. It sure sounds a lot more satisfying than life as a corporate transactional lawyer--even if the pay is less than a third of what it would be in the civil sphere. But as our speakers pointed out, you donapos;t become a public prosecutor for the pay. And Iapos;ve never been all that interested in money, anyway.

I need to do a lot more thinking about this. Still... I wonder if the Kalamazoo County Office of the Prosecuting Attorney would be interested in a 1L volunteer clerk for two months this summer.
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*i make good soup. Thank goodness its soup season, I really really am enjoying soup.
today I made potato leek soup, but thereapos;s a ton more veg in it than normal potato soup. Mmm yum. I should have people over for soup, I always make too much.

* Alice has a nasty stinky neck rash. Iapos;m concerned.

* I missed futurama because I was watching Charles in Charge ??

* I have heart burn, just like every night.

*Iapos;m excited about the girls halloween costumes, even if they arent perfectly done.. Iapos;m so tempted to re do aliceapos;s but .. I think i might just live with the imperfection.

* tired, yo.
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